Wednesday, May 6, 2009

FREE!!! Year 2 over n done with?

AH!!! It's the end of exams and i'm finally FREE... as in FREE from exams, FREE from the endless lab reports and FREE from sitting in lectures... just for this academic year anyway:p

It's hard to believe that I have already spent 2 years in NUS and i'll be quickly entering my 3rd year soon... Time surely does move at warp speed when you aren't aware of it, doesn't it?

Yea well... so here are my reflections on the 2 years i have spent here :
1) Singapore is a fine... a fine fine country
A satirical song which I heard via my boss while i was working. When i told him that I was coming to Spore to study, he uttered this phrase and I can't help but to smile everytime I think/hear of it. To a certain extent the notion that u will get fined for every misdoing in Spore may not be accurate - I have jaywalked MANY times and mark my words... nothing has happened to me - YET... but u sure gotta admire them for their efficiency. Just a slight hint that there may b a flu outbreak and they're all out - guns blazing to prevent any occurrences in Spore... Imagine... Wanna go for exam in NUS? Get your temp screened 1st...

2) Loneliness = me = independence
If life in uni has really taught me anything, it is that I have to rely on me, myself and I. Safe to say that I don't really have a large circle of friends and even if I do, they're mainly hi-bye kind of friends. I do not let people understand me easily so I guess it's partly my fault that I cut myself off from people who I could potentially be friends with. I often tell myself that it is better for me to be alone - rather that stick with a group of people I don't feel comfortable with and later get that feeling that I relli dun fit in anywhere. I dunno if dat is true but well... if it is, loneliness does rather suck you into that hole of depression sometimes...

3) Uni = study, mug and nothing else?
Seniors often tell me... and by seniors I mean those post-grads who work in the lab... that uni is so much more than the education you obtain... it shapes your character and really makes you grow up. Well, I don't really agree with the shape your character part but I do agree it makes you grow up. For the most part, I recall that I was a very happy, friendly, crazy-hoppie kind of person when I was in school and for some reason or other, I feel that being in uni has made me lose that... But I have, however, learnt to cope with stress, to just keep pushing till I reach my target and to reach out for opportunities which are out there. Uni may not be like the working world, but it sure as heck makes u work hard... Lol...

4) Different people - different opinions
A definite weakness in my character is that I always believe I am right... and of course this is not the case. Nobody is a know it all (save Hermione in Harry Potter) and no two people will have the exact same opinion/view on things. For example, when i enrolled into the B.Sc course in NUS, I never thought, "Owh I'll be outta here in 3 years". It was always my goal to get into the honours programme (though I dunno if i'll be able to now...) but I have learnt that many other ppl don't have the same view. For most people, their goal is to get a degree and get the heck outta here... But to me, I would like to achieve the best I can from here to ensure I get a slight upper hand when working... I find that my views very often differ from my frens... Guess dis is what they say, "banyak orang, banyak ragam" - Lol... my Bahasa kinda sucks... sorry...

That's all for now... A long post from one who hasn't posted for 2 months+... Lol

AY2008/09 well over!

~sh@rkl!ng~ out

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